Monday 24 March 2014

Rainy Days

Mood: Content

Every part of me is freezing, oh my gosh! It is pouring down with rain today, horrible weather. I got caught in the rain a few times which wasn't fun but hey ho. I was in uni this morning for my last ever lesson, which was UTTERLY POINTLESS to say the least - 'self-led' he said, 'an integral part of the learning process' he said. It was simply an excuse to fill the day. Even though the presentation wasn't being assessed, my heart was in my throat and like many people nervous of public speaking I thought I would be sick or faint or something. I always experience this moment where I genuinely almost run out of the room, but thankfully I haven't followed that thought through yet.

Now that I am back at the flat, I am much warmer now that I have pj bottoms on, 2 pairs of socks and a heater right in front of me. Oh, and my dressing gown. After yesterday, I strongly believe that my work will progress when it progresses, you know, I am simply not one of those students who can go 'Right, today I will work from this time to this time then relax' - I will give myself a word count target or something for the day but let it happen at any point. Otherwise, I just get frustrated and irritable when it doesn't work out. My current aim is to warm up if anything!

I am going to a feedback afternoon thingamajig this Thursday for the company that runs my academic support and lets me have the help of enhanced enablers. Have to say, I am really looking forward to it! Lately, I have been trying to spread the word about my blog and how it could help some people to feel that they are not alone in feeling or thinking a certain way. My enhanced enabler mentioned my blog and willingness to speak openly about my mental health to some people in the company and now I will be doing a filmed interview - probably about my problems, how they affect me academically and how the company has given me support. EXCITING! Uhh I did a photoshoot and interview at the college I studied my Foundation Degree at in Cornwall which was an amazing experience - they still use some photos of me around the site! A friend of mine sent me a photo on facebook of me by the main entrance - I was like 'AAAAAHHHHH THAT'S MEEEE!!'

Despite this week being stressful to the max, I am very much approaching it with a BRING-IT-ON attitude :D aren't you proud of me!

How good are you at public speaking?

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