Monday 17 March 2014

Great idea: Gratitude + Highlights Book!

Mood: Wonderful

This is such a great idea, I only wish I started doing this sooner!
It is a year of change, I am determined to get out of this mental health rut..... a part of it at least :P some parts are pretty well embedded but I can do something about being depressed, so yeah.

I had a notebook to spare, a pretty one from WHSmiths I think? I love stationery! AHH PAPERCHASE! *cough* anyway - I really do write down my thoughts as they hit me, so if you are new to reading my blog, know that I dot here and there all the time - one of my favourite youtube couples - AprilJustinTV, comment if you know who I mean and watch them too! - they like to discuss the highlights of their day at the end of their vlogs and also Lindy from bubzvlogz/bubzbeauty writes in her diary what she is grateful for! SO I thought what could be better for me than writing every day things that I am grateful for and at the end of the day, what my highlight was.

I highly recommend starting this, if you have maybe just some spare paper lying around or something just grab a pen. It over time really shifts the mentality you approach each day with. I started mine only last Wednesday (13 March) but I feel real positive benefits for keeping this :)

Do you have someone you look up to - online or otherwise - who inspires you?

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