Monday 24 March 2014

My mum's vision / Secondary School

Jeez, this subject is still sooo hush-hush, even now in 2014!

I mean, it's out there and all, but there are people still walking about from generations with older values and beliefs from a time when being other than straight was unacceptable. Luckily, my parents were not this way. I mean, I think my father even forgot! My mum did take it badly. She wasn't brought up against it, I don't believe she is phobic, but I think she very much had a vision in mind of how she wanted her two little chicks to be when we grew up. Somehow, I don't think I ticked many of my mum's boxes.

She wanted a Christian - got an atheist.
She wanted her little girl to be straight - got a bisexual.
I understand that it is tough for some people to get their head around and this is the kind of thing that is worlds away from what my parents grew up with. Times have changed very quickly - there all kinds of 'sexuals' out there and a lot of them I don't get. I didn't have a hard time at home about it, but my mum I think did recoil away from me as if I wasn't hers a bit. It was a long time ago, I opened up when I was in year 8 - I was only just around 13 so of course, they didn't believe it would last. Now that I have my boyfriend, in their minds I am sure that has proved to them they were right *sigh* oh well.
At least I can handle it since it is my life and I am proud (most of the time...)
When I meet new people I don't mention it, it takes a while before they know so I am sure they are friends or aren't perhaps homophobic, so I don't get any hate for it. that has never been much of a problem though :) they tried to bully me in secondary school as I was the first student to openly come out to everyone, but to no avail! I confidently sent it right back at them and they shut up. I was never one to have problems with peers or the 'popular girls', nope! I was too busy focussing on being comfortable in my own skin that I didn't pay those girls any attention and I had such strong values from an early age that I was NEVER going to be persuaded to smoke (whatever was getting passed around) or take anything *proudly wags tail*
How was your secondary school experience?

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