Saturday 29 March 2014

Feeling Sick / Easter Ideas

Mood: Bleurgh

I get travel sick almost every way possible and in the countryside you have to drive everywhere. For longer journeys, I will take a tablet beforehand, but today's errand wasn't too long. I felt so ill in the car, my goodness :( it makes my outlook very negative, to me there is no worse feeling than when you feel like you're going to throw up! If I do, I cry really hard and get upset for no particular reason - I just get emotional (some would say 'When aren't you emotional?!').

Sooo cold. I don't know anyone who gets as cold as me, weird looks are always passed my way when I say I am cold. If I had a fireplace, I would never leave it! There's a fireplace in their living room here and if it is on, I am fighting the dogs for the warmest spot in the room :P

During the Easter holidays, I would really like to give myself a project to do. I have a few ideas:
  • Create an eco garden
  • Make some sort of rainwater collection tank or tub
  • Make a pathway so that the rainwater collected travels over the plants and waters them
  • Turn my room into a sanctuary - fairy lights, wall art transfer
I think eBay will welcome me with open arms soon!

Do you have a project you'd like to do some time this Easter?

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