Friday 14 March 2014


Mood: Content

I didn't accomplish very much today, but that's okay. I am trying hard every day to change my mentality so that I look at every situation in a more positive light. Any progress, no matter how small, deserves acknowledgement and praise.

You are always moving forwards.

An unremarkable day. Nothing exciting or interesting really happened. I spent some time on the phone to my mum and it was really nice - we were laughing and I felt like my old self for a short while :) I wasn't feeling too well today so it actually made me feel better! A part of me is starting to look forward to going home.

My guy came back earlier than expected, so I was sooo happy to see him! I made us a yummy dinner, which I love doing, it makes me feel like we are playing house and I'm a domestic goddess xD especially when he says he likes it.

I intend on spending the rest of the night relaxing - really relaxing - and getting tons of sleep, since it's Saturday tomorrow! I am finding it easier to switch off work mode (including worrying about work or feeling guilty about relaxing) when I need some me time.

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