Sunday 2 March 2014

Staying in bed / Productivity Levels: 0

I stay in bed a lot more nowadays. I'm tired all day long and you already know I am sleeping so much every single night! Which I am loving. It isn't making me more energised in the day though, I just want to stayyy in bed! For a long while I've been strict on myself with not spending time in/on my bed during the day so my body clock is right and I sleep easier, but since that hasn't been a problem lately and I am just lazing in pyjamas anyway I thought - ppfff what the heck.

I've been starting to get annoyed at really little things, but I'm sure it's just because I am so wound up with everything I have coming up. I've also had no time to make any videos - well the opportunities come and go and I never feel like doing my makeup or making myself look presentable enough for the camera! Uhh I'd better get back on that, I need one hobby for goodness sake!

The days are whizzing by soo fast! If I am not in uni or just going in later I'll sleep until around 9 or 10 (so that's around 11 hours sleep!) and I'll do some bits and pieces but I can't plan/try to do too much or I will shut down and accomplish NOTHING. A very little amount of work is better than nothing right!

Should be receiving an email from the faculty office probably after another week or so, I filled and gave in an extenuating circumstances form for several pieces of coursework coming up and a chronic ill health form, which I didn't even know existed before! If it is validated I think it is 10 days extra time I get for deadlines. I was surprised, I thought it would do more than that, but that's fine I would use the time, I wouldn't just take advantage and not do anything for longer!

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