Wednesday 26 March 2014


Mood: Grumpy

I took my meds early this morning, got an okay-ish sleep - the fire alarm battery is dying out so it was bleeping through the night, enough to make me want to punch the wall - and I handed in coursework. I've even started revising for one of my exams, my boyfriend has spent the day with me! Well.....he's been doing his own work, which is fine. His ears shut down when he's working though. I wasn't trying to distract him, we have been quiet most of the day, but if I asked him something like if he wanted anything I'd get nothing. Hmm that doesn't sit too well with me, but he doesn't mean anything by it I'm sure :)

Did you read my previous post a month ago about the whole drama to do with a class I was in and I was failed, an attendance mix up blablabla? The same lecturer has emailed us all again that the marks are ready for us to collect, but he went on in his usual, condescending way talking about how he didn't understand 'why some of you were grumbly about the work, it is what is asked of you' and 'what the mass hysteria was caused by' - talk about making us feel stupid as heck!! He even listed some points as to his theory of some people's incompetence!

A student kindly took a photo of all our marks on a form and posted it online so we could all see our marks without having to go ourselves. Guess what I got...... 24. 24?!! Only two people were lower than me, one was 20 and another was 0 (you don't know who gets what because the marks are by your student number, not your name). I don't fail things!! I'm terrified of failing things, I anticipate failure the year before. I was so mad at that mark combined with his email.
Oh well *sigh* I guess I'd better go watch videos of puppies and kittens. I will do more revision too when my mood picks up :)
Did/Do you have any lecturers that get on your wick?

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