Thursday 27 February 2014

Not as eventful a day as planned :/

I gave myself a treat today: I stayed in bed most of the day, doing work on my laptop curled up. It totally worked! I mean I didn't get TONS done, but I wrote a few hundred words which is great :)

I am still very much behind in terms of the targets I've set myself, but doing my best not to panic and get worked up. I have my favourite youtuber on in the background now, they're on a playlist so they are going round and round which I really like :P

It's almost the weekeeeeend! Most people would look forward to the weekend, but Monday's are my longest, most horrible day of the week! I haven't made any youtube videos for 2 weeks and it sucks, because it's been my only hobby to keep me up and running and looking presentable! I missed one though - I try to upload every Tuesday and Friday - and after that I thought 'Well, I don't exactly have a lot of loyal subscribers at this point anyway'. I will pick it back up when I feel like I can. I intended to today, but I also intended to meditate and have a showerrr and cook something from scratch for at least one of my meals: NONE OF THAT. Woop, well done Jess, you unproductive, lazy thing.

Bugger... I didn't take my medication today. Oh sugar, I'd better take it now before I forget completely!

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