Tuesday 11 February 2014

Everything on top of me

Aaaah I want to cry!
With so much to do, I've spent today just trying to understand, going to lecture notes, audio recordings, excel spreadsheets, but the longer I try to work through it, the less I understand! I want to give up so bad right now, just sticking with a FSc qualification sounds all hunky dory right now - I never really wanted to do a third year anyway, it was more down to a sense of obligation.

My mum works in admin in a university careers sector, so she knows what she's talking about. She's taught me that the third year is what adds value to my qualification, a foundation degree alone would not stand for much in comparison. That is the only reason I am here. If it was up to me, maybe I would volunteer in more charity shops or go into retail, become a puppy walker, get some pet/training experience, have my own place. I hope some of this will happen one day. I'm not feeling too hopeful right now - I am beyond the up-to-my-eyeballs-in-work point, I've reached a stage where I feel numb and defeated, because sadly that is the most calming state of mind in the student environment for me. I actually feel happier about things when I feel whatever it is has beaten me, because the pressure doesn't seem to be there and I feel I can breathe, take a minute to relax.

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