Sunday 2 February 2014

Things getting done :)

My boyfriend picked me up from a terrible dip yesterday. I was sitting in front of a fan heater on the floor, glancing at my work calendar chart on the wall and my eyes started to well up. He came down to sit next to me and let me cry and talk it out. It really helped and I felt better afterwards :) yay!

Today I am feeling really good about my work. Determined for it to be a productive day, I sat at my desk and wrote a few hundred words for a coursework piece. I started to get bored, so I've got on one of my favourite sitcoms as background and I've switched to a different piece to switch things up. Did a little on that, then had some nibbles. I'm just taking a break for a short while and I will get right back on it.

Good mood: check!

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