Tuesday 4 February 2014


Today is so freezing, the winds are strong as anything - even my curtains are swaying!

It has been mixed moods today, although that's not unusual. Had a one hour lecture this morning which was fine, then spent a few hours with my learning support to crack on with some work which was time well spent :)

Went to the doctors this afternoon, I should know all the staff by their first names by now I show up so much, every 4 weeks or so. I have been thinking for a while to change my medication because I don't feel at all stable like I should be. There is a possible higher dosage but we agreed that we thought if it was the right kind of medication, I would be feeling some benefits now anyway. So after our chat, we've switched my prescriptions from Setraline to.... I have my slip right here but I can't read it ha, well I'm changing it to Prozac. The most commonly prescribed medication for this kind of thing, it should calm me down which I am very much looking forward to.

I have to take antibiotics for some infection as well, ughh.. oh well, after 5 days that'll be ticked off the list. Feeling generally okay though now :)

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