Wednesday 19 February 2014

Not meant for Studentdom.

I planned for a really productive day today. Always a mistake when I make grand, positive day plans like that, it hardly ever actually goes like that and then I either start to panic/feel crap about myself/punish myself/cry/wallow in chocolate/all of the above.

I wanted to do at least a section of my scientific paper today as well as go on campus for an informational talk on worry and how to manage it and hand in a piece of coursework (due for Friday).
Well 2 of those I technically did. I went to the talk session, but it never took place. There was a few of us and gradually as time went on people started to leave. No idea what happened, but really gutted because I thought it would have really helped me! While on campus, I printed off my coursework and handed that in - plus points for that :) and it was raining so I am pleased that I left the flat frankly.

The dissertation work DID NOT happen. I have been doing anything but - classic procrastination techniques coming into play. Suddenly, I really wanted to do some youtube editing, I made some audio recordings of me singing - I think I sound awful, but others might like it? The hours just flew by and not a single word written for my paper. I am not meant for studentdom. I started packing for my few days away. I think my brain has already left, maybe that's why I can't tap into work mode today. I might get something written if I really try to apply myself after having some dinner :) I haven't put it in front of me and knuckled down so I will see if that technique works and I just need to shove my face into my laptop! Wish my luck.

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