Wednesday 26 February 2014

Would I care if I failed?!

I am sooo shattered lately. I've been out like a light by 10:30, which is great actually, I get lots of sleep. I wish I could sleep all day every day frankly. I'm yawning my head off already! I'm not complaining at all, this is great :D

I feel like I am starting to drown. My anxiety is not at a good level though, every time I think about upcoming deadlines and presentations I can feel myself struggling to breathe.

I desperately need a cat.
After seeing the GP yesterday, I've filled in some forms at uni if it can make my remaining deadlines manageable and I don't get myself worked up into a state. That didn't used to be so much of a problem, except since I've started failing things and not caring about it as much as I thought I would, it seems a lot easier to fail on a bigger scale. Maybe I wouldn't care if I failed the year, I don't know.

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