Sunday 16 February 2014

On top of work!

I am on a mini ROLL!
My friends have helped me out with coursework pieces and all I have to do now is finish writing them up :D the past couple of days have been a blessing!

I am feeling like most things are doable now, so I have to make the most of this motivational push and do as much work as I can while it doesn't feel like as much effort.

Had a brush with the image yesterday - was just browsing facebook and it was part of some meme type thing, I don't know what they're called. Hit me like a ton of bricks and I froze. Thankfully my boyfriend was round. I curled up into a ball under my desk and he came over and knew what I'd seen. He soon got me up and I curled into bed like a prawn watching him play games on his laptop.

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