Tuesday 11 February 2014

So many deadlines!

I'm feeling so much pressure right now but no work is manifesting. I'm finding some reports really difficult to understand in the first place, let alone write, I have so little time for some of them. I feel in such a panic, I don't know what to do. There isn't enough hours in the day lately it seems, but I think I will be having early starts and working long and hard til I punch some of these deadlines out. I just hope I can get some sleep.

I made a youtube video about my mental health last night and it is uploading right now. I am soooo terrified if anyone I know sees it and what they will think, if they will be surprised or behave differently around me from now on. It is a big thing to admit and my family, if they knew, would probably say it was a crazy, stupid thing to do. Funny way to be supportive - everything I do is wrong! If any of my friends watch it and just not mention it to me, I would be very grateful, I think that would make me feel like life goes on. Very dramatic I know, but this is what I mean - people's perceptions of others can be greatly affected when they know of certain hardships.

I'm scared. I hope no one thinks I am faking - that has been a worry of mine all the time I've been depressed, how I view myself is directly through how I think others see me. I have no self-esteem because I don't give myself the chance, I have never valued my own opinion. My boyfriend is wonderful at making me feel good about myself and he does that for me every day which I will forever be thankful for :)

I'm so scared I'm going to fail my BSc at the last hurdle; I only have a few months left, less than 2 months of lessons!

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