Tuesday 25 February 2014

Do I deserve help?

I had an appointment with my doctor this morning and while I was waiting, I saw some elderly patients struggling to walk around. I felt this massive wave of guilt wash over me - I suddenly started to think I am wasting my doctor's time, I don't have anything physically life-threatening, none of my limbs are soon to drop off. There are probably lots of other people who need to see a doctor but have to wait longer. I mentioned how I felt to my doctor as soon as I went in to see her and she immediately said she disagreed and I have just a right to seek help as anyone else does, which did make me feel much better but that will probably stay at the back of my mind every time I go to the doctors now.

I told her I've been just as before, struggling and overall malfunctioning at every angle - got some fails for the first time in my education, my low moods are getting worrying and I feel like my throat is either closing up or the pills are stuck in my throat and won't go down. I do need to rethink about possibly going back to counselling - I will see someone else this time than the last one, she really didn't suit me at all and made me feel worse! For most of the academic year, I have been seeing my GP around once a month, but at the moment it will be fortnightly because of my current change in medication and the big dip I've had. We knew it was a possibility that I would be all over the pace in the side effects period, but we have to be careful in case it is not the right kind for me.

I know that I need help, but lately I've just given up. I've stopped trying to help myself because I'm just too tired. I feel like I have been fighting against my own brain for so many years and I am just tired. I haven't been eating properly, I've been drinking tons of water though and my sleep patterns are good so it isn't all bad!

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