Saturday 1 February 2014

A Noisy World / Future / Medication

Why is everything so noisy and loud?

I don't belong in a city, I belong in the countryside, where everything is a drive away and instead of cars zooming down the road 24/7 there's the occasional horse riders or mail van. If I could, I would have a job where I could work at home with my pets around me (if I ever get any) and things that make me happy. I make my home environment my sanctuary, so anywhere else is not so nice.

I would hate to work in an office. I would love to work at Guide Dogs' National Breeding Centre or one of their four training schools, but they are so far away from everything I know. I would be fine with that if I at least knew someone, I can handle living somewhere new and away from home, but if I was entirely alone and didn't know anyone I don't think I would like that. I know I would hopefully get on well and maybe become friends with colleagues, but I moved somewhere with my boyfriend and lived somewhere that is good for both of us, that would make me so happy.

I've been quite neglectful of my medication, I keep missing the odd day! Most days I do remember but sometimes it just slips my mind! Silly memory :P

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