Saturday 8 February 2014

Sleep / Workload

It has been a couple of days since I posted because it has been a bit hectic and I haven't had the opportunity to blog.

I'm trying to structure when I think about work/worry/get stressed and it is actually working quite well. I let myself get on with work if I can until 7 at the latest, then have dinner with a movie usually. Around 9 I turn off all electronics and read in bed til I fall asleep with some gentle music in the background. This has worked brilliantly for me. I am making time for my brain to shut down and zone out, I think it puts me in a better mental state and I am sleeping through the night again, yay! :)

Crushing workload as usual on my mind, but I am trying to do a little at a time so I am doing okay. I'm not behind or failing anything so I'm still on the good side of things! I just hope it stays that way. I am not an A* student, but I'm not an A* procrastinator either, I do try. Sometimes though I wake up and it is like I am made of brick and won't move for anything. Getting out of bed can be very difficult, especially if I have to go out. I feel like inside I am okay, free from my troubles and don't have any challenges to face. All of those are outside so I do like to stay in as much as possible. I don't go round friends' houses to hang out, I only see them in lessons. My boyfriend comes to the flat to see me and if people come over by chance, I will see them then.

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