Monday 24 February 2014

The blurry glow at the end of the tunnel

Rounding off February this week - it has whizzed by!
I do hope the next few months go by the same way.

A presentation next week that I have done nothing for, a report due the following week then 2 BEAST deadlines within 2 days of each other at the end of March. I'm sure there are many students who are dealing with more than me, I'm not saying I am under the hardest pressure in all of studentdom! As I am sure I have said before, everyone deals differently and can handle different levels of pressure and such, so I am sensing that I am reaching my limit and I am fighting with it this year. However, I am pretty scared of not studying anymore in case this doesn't ease up. Obviously, there is tension between me and my family members, so moving back home... I don't see it as the light at the end of the tunnel. There is no light because I don't know where I'm going! At the end of my tunnel I see....I don't know, a blurry glow?

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