Friday 31 January 2014

A Good Day!

I woke up this morning not feeling particularly great. I tend to predict how well my day is going to go on my general mood when I first wake up. Today however, got better the more the day went on. Nothing exceptional happened, but if I can feel really good about an average day like today, then that matters more, sort of.

I had lunch with my best friend to a café that I really like to go to and we had a great time. We laugh so much when we are together and I think it is therapeutic for both of us. Laughter can do so many things and can quite literally help to heal you. I think that is something that we both need.

In the afternoon, I went in to uni for a regular meeting with a support worker for an hour. I always leave my meetings feeling better than when I went in because they always reassure me that I am in fact on track and how some of my worries are understandable and there are many students who feel the same way. This is really comforting, when loneliness is quite a normal thing the past while. I see my friends in my classes, live with my best mate and spend my weekends with my boyfriend - he is in my room right now :) I do love him so much. Anyone looking in on my life would say I am lonely but I don't see it myself, I wouldn't say I feel lonely but apparently I am. Hmmm odd.

I made a yummy dinner - vegetarian sausages with couscous and roasted sweet potato - and we chilled. Yes it does happen. When we watch one of my favourite shows, my brain focuses on the characters. By getting absorbed in the show I'm watching, I stop worrying about my own stuff. Ahh, lovely. Peace.

I've been going through a big dip the past week, and I figured out what it is after discussing it with my support worker. I am coming to the end of my degree. Being the kind of person who relishes off planning meticulously and preparing for what happens next, not being able to plan what happens after I finish here is terrifying. I know, I know, life has a habit of not going according to a plan, but it is a way for me to curb my anxiety.

The unknown really shakes me up, after I do my exams in May and move back home, I will feel as if lost at sea. I can only do so much though, so I am focussing my attention to deadlines directly in front of me. One deadline at a time :)

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