Thursday 30 January 2014

Feeling Good Today / Help

I'm in a pretty good place today. I've just got back from a nasty 3 hour statistics workshop but it was actually a lot of fun with my friends. We all help each other out and have a giggle. It's comforting to know we are all in the same boat! :)

I am munching on blueberries while I browse the interweb, feeling quite upbeat. I have another lecture this afternoon, but I tis only an hour and I have a learning support worker who takes notes for me in this particular subject, so I don't panic too much about not getting everything written down and can listen to him and take it in that way. I have other equipment and help me manage this year, which is a blessing.

I went to the university counsellor who suggested I see a GP and talk to Disability Assist at uni. After doing so, my GP wrote a letter as evidence of my health condition and I was eligible for disability funding and help. I have some software to help me during lectures, a Dictaphone to help me take more from the lesson and support workers to a) keep me on top of my work and b) take care of my wellbeing throughout the year.

I am on medication as well. There are so many options though, different dosages, different prescriptions. I see my GP every month and talk over how things have been - it feels very much like a counselling session! My state is hard to evaluate, because everyone gets down sometimes, so I am never sure whether my state is rational/understandable or abnormal. I explain how my studies are going, my relationship with my family and the future. I have been on medication since around October/November, I felt a difference at the beginning but even though my dosages have been increasing, I don't think it is doing anything for me. I am seeing my doctor next week thankfully, so I will mention it to her then.

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