Thursday 10 April 2014


You know what, I am so livid right now.

I contacted the Mental Health Foundation and told them my mental health story, which they then posted on their facebook page this week. Comments were flowing quite rapidly and I was so happy and grateful to see so many people saying well done, all the best, you are so brave, thank you for sharing, you are in inspiration - I couldn't believe the response I got! :)

My post on Mental Health Foundation's facebook page

And yet there were some who just had to bring down the mood. I know I know, you won't get on with everyone, but damn - some people's comments were... surprising.

'Most people struggle after trauma, but a film?!'
'It's just actors'
'You weren't kidnapped or held at gunpoint, don't call your problem PTSD'

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realise there was a set criteria FOR EVERY SUFFERER! Others were on my side, saying some comments should be cancelled which made me feel better, but honestly I am not upset for me, I am upset because this is exactly why mental health sufferers suffer in silence! So long as people are insensitive and judgemental, claiming some people are just hypochondriacs or exaggerating or whatever, sufferers will never want to open up!!

It is ridiculous, why are we shrugged off as if we are making it up to get attention, do people genuinely believe that?! I wouldn't wish this on anyone. Oh and don't for goodness sake tell me that my trauma wasn't trauma, that I'm being silly by blaming a film, that it's acting so it doesn't count. And people ask me why I didn't get help until several years had passed...

When I was young, I was too embarrassed to admit it to any of my friends because my friends used to watch horror films at the same age and enjoy them, telling people as if it was a medal of honour. If I said I was haunted after watching one, they would have all laughed in my face saying I was being a baby. It seems, however old I am, there will always be someone who thinks that.

I am just glad that many people commented on my post reiterating that PTSD and the trauma is HIGHLY individual, so what is trauma for one person may not affect someone else in the slightest. It is so sad that people suffer because of what people might say and I don't blame them for keeping quiet, for the longest time that felt like the safer option, but opening up shouldn't be to find out what other people think, it is about release and letting it out so it isn't contained anymore. Preferably, open up in a GPs office. I highly recommend it.

If you are embarrassed about opening up, bite your lip and see a GP. It is their job to help and they do not judge - they see different cases every single day.

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