Wednesday 9 April 2014

No guide dog puppy / No revision

Mood: Low

Don't flippin caaaaaare. Nope. Life is not working.
After spending months trying to make my case to my family about becoming a puppy walker when I move back home, things have gone sour. Wait though, my mum said I could ring Guide Dogs and arrange it yesterday. What's wrong then, you say? I have given it a great deal of thought and I have decided against it after all.

We just can't afford something like this, not right now at least. Technically I have enough money, but I need to financially help my family and I won't have much to give if I am raising a guide dog puppy. Maybe it is best to just hold off the dream and give my family more help with some additional income.

I still want to give the Etsy shop business my best shot because it involves my love for cross-stitch - yes, young people still like crafts in 2014 - so hopefully I can pay my parents rent and afford to work through Etsy at least for a while. It'll probably be the most enjoyable job I'll have in my life, but I'm trying not to think like that! My main hope now is that my mum gives me a chance to try to make something of it, rather than shrugging it off as a little girl's silly project that will last a day.

Revision? Nope, don't go there. Every time I sit down with the intention of punching out some revision - I say punch to get myself motivated to study - I look at some notes and instantly shut down. Now, don't misunderstand me. I have never been a slacker, I do try and hate leaving things to the last minute. It's not just that I can't be bothered, but I don't even want my degree any more! I said to my mum the other day, I am passionate about my subject, but maybe in a sidelines, non-biologist way.

What hobbies do you have?

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