Tuesday 15 April 2014

Going out vs staying in

Mood: Restless

Mum and I were originally going to go for a 'Mum and Cub' day out today. At first we were going to Weymouth, then I said I'd rather go somewhere nearer because I would get bored if we were out the entire day and it would be a pricey trip, so it wouldn't be worth it. From there, we thought of a coupe of other places but I didn't feel good about it. I wanted to go if it made mum happy.

I plucked up the courage to be honest with mum this morning and she said she was happy to stay at home, the idea was to do something together. Well I think days out, scanning the shops, is very much mum and my sister's thing, whereas I am an indoors-y girl and would rather put the kettle on and play Phase 10 or be crafty :) I am doing a better job of opening up and explaining how I feel with mum; I said how I feel vulnerable outside and more anxious because I am out of my cubby hole and can't hide from problems. The more rural the area, the happier I am to be outside, green hills are more relaxing - less people, less hussle and bussle, more birds singing.

As I listened to myself describing the feeling to mum, it was gradually sounding a bit like agoraphobia - I don't reckon I am, but it is similar... possibly? Such a silly little Jess ^.^

Which do you prefer: city or countryside?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I live in the city, but I miss the country side so much! In an open area, it's hard to not get up and enjoy beautiful weather. In a city, when you're walking down the street with a smile on your face, people tend to get scared and avoid you =P I am definitely a country kind of girl.

Relating to your blog, I really love how it looks and if there's one thing to be grateful for with you staying inside is that it makes you write more! Stay happy and drop me a message if you'd like =]
