Saturday 12 April 2014

Planning Etsy / Medication

Mood: Creative

Yeah revision, I know. I will try to do some today. The fun part of the day for me - or more fun - is putting together a business plan for my Etsy shop. I am also going to look at costing for my materials today, let's see how many numbers I can come up with :) I am feeling hopeful, though the cost part might be a bit tedious but hey - gotta be done! Reading lots of articles online and it is better to plan and make goals and things before you crack on with the fun part and I don't mind that - I am all for planning!

So revision will happen at some point. I got upset with it all yesterday, I only really managed around half an hour of proper revision, but my family cheered me up reminding me that it is better than nothing and qualifications aren't everything.

I have been worried about my mood because I ran out of my medication a couple of days ago. I have a prescription for another 2 months worth, but I need to do it subtly. My family know I have been on medication the past several months, but I feel they would see this as their window of opportunity to preach to me how they aren't a good idea. I have been feeling pretty good regardless though, so that's a major relief!

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