Wednesday 16 April 2014


Mood: Good

Some revision was done today, but I have resorted to just going over the same two lectures over and over with some slim hope that something will go in at some point! Ah dear... I did something anyways :) I didn't cry though! I was upset all yesterday and this morning because I was dreading sitting down, trying to revise and not understanding any of it.

My mood feels like it is stabilising and I haven't had the confidence to go out and get my prescription - just don't want to touch on the subject of medication with my family. Since I never go out, if I did they would want to know why and I couldn't get away with 'I just felt like a walk'. Pff that's not me at all :P

Unfortunately I've been under the weather the past few days and gradually feeling worse. Not at all surprising considering the time of year. The exam build up always gets my body stressing. In my first year at uni, I was putting up with a chest infection for over 3 weeks, might have been a month I can't remember, and I was coughing constantly until, within a week of my exams, I felt this pop on my right side. I had ripped my intercostal muscles - the muscles in between the ribs - from coughing for so long. That was quite the dramatic night, a paramedic came to the student house and everything (bless my friends for ringing 999 for me!).

I am leaving for my guy's place on Good Friday so I really want to be at least on the mend in a couple of days - I don't want to arrive at his all sniffly and coughing and spluttering and sounding like a gremlin. Here's hoping! Sooo honey, lemon and ginger tea and soothing soups and things in store for moi :) OH and keeping up to date with AprilJustinTV!

What do you do to get yourself on the mend again?

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