Wednesday 30 April 2014

Dissertation hand in day

25 days to go.
Mood: Happy

Okay feeling good this morning, let's hope it lasts! I'm ready to head onto campus to meet with my enhanced enabler to get this dissertation SORTED. I have everything ready but I'm doubting myself because it is so important, I'm nervous of forgetting a really important element - it's all too easily done! A bit like when you travel or move and you just start your journey when you realise you forgot your passport or your keys for the new place and you get that sinking feeling inside of impending doom!

My uni best mate did the nicest thing yesterday, she's great. I was asking her for advice on my dissertation, just little things, but I'd put off asking her because I was nervous that she would ask about how come I am handing it in now. She didn't! She just helped me out, didn't ask into anything, just as if this was always the deadline. I was so grateful to her for that, it is amazing how good being treated normally can feel :)

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