Friday 18 April 2014

Families meet-up / Pre-exam stress

Mood: Chilled

Today was the day mine and my boyfriend's parents would meet and it went really well. I couldn't have been happier! :D

I was actually pretty nervous of today, there was no way to predict how it would go. Although saying that, I knew my mum and his mum would get on - they both love crafts a lot - so that was comforting. I think maybe the main thing is I go on about my guy and his family a lot, I hear myself getting irritating and it is obviously bugging the hell out of my family :/ my bad. When I am passionate about something, I do rant endlessly. In the car, on the way here, almost the entire journey was spent with me ranting about environmental issues (revision... in a way) - with the odd game of 'I Spy' and humming tunes from The Aristocats. Everyone was very friendly and got on really well, so we were pretty pleased and we could both relax.

After my parents left, the house did instantly feel much quieter and I have to say, it wasn't fun saying goodbye to my parents. I will be seeing them again at the end of May though probably. Shortly after, I was joined by a heavy nose bleed - yay. I haven't lost that much blood in a while so that was a surprise, but I had a nose bleed yesterday as well - in the car on the way home! Aaaah the stress of the pre-exam period.

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