Thursday 24 April 2014

Before you get on track you need to find it

30 days to go.
Mood: Relieved

Wow, I feel like I can really breathe today! I met up with my learning support tutor this afternoon and actually stayed with her for a good while, which was great because as I expected, she made me feel somehow on top of things. I explained how I was feeling about everything and what I have coming up and between the two of us came up with a list of tasks for me to carry out and when by. Here's some of them:
  1. Get medication - the main reason for my feeling of incapability will be largely due to me going through withdrawal from my meds and this is the worst possible time for that since it takes a couple of weeks for them to pass and my exams are in....yep, 2 weeks.
  2. Enquire into exams and if extenuating circumstances are available.
  3. Look into whether my presentation at the end of the year can be in a smaller room/ with less people or something.
  4. Come up with a title for my poster.
  5. Finish off and submit dissertation.
While I was on campus and feeling productive, I went off and did 2 and 3.

Enquire into exams.
Look into whether my presentation at the end of the year can be in a smaller room/ with less people or something.
Then after saying goodbye, I nipped into town and stocked up on medication.
Get medication.
So now all that is left is my dissertation and a poster title. Neither should be too much of a pain - my dissertation feels done already, it just needs bulking up in the odd place, and for the poster title I need to get in touch with my creative side :) I intended to go to the doctors surgery today, but waiting for my prescriptions took a good while - as usual - so it will have to wait til tomorrow I next bother to get out of my pjs :/

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