Friday 25 April 2014

Exams now or later?!

Today I am going to try to be productive. I have the possibility of doing my exams in August instead of May, which would give me the summer to revise. When I was told about it, my first thought was yes, I want to do that, because my main worries at the moment are that no matter how hard I revise, I don't have enough background knowledge to really be able to write good essays - this is for one of my exams, the other one I haven't thought twice about :/
I am going to think about it over this weekend - I can't think too long, the exams are just over a week away and if I decided to do them in August instead, my application would need a few days to be processed and validated - it isn't 100% definite that I would be allowed to.
So I am going to ring home and discuss it with mum to see what she thinks - though I have a good idea of what she will say: 'Why don't you give it a go now?', 'You might do better than you think.', 'Don't worry, you're very smart.'. Despite how I think the conversation will go, I still need to chat with mum about it, because I want to know that if I did them in August, she wouldn't think less of me in any way. It is so important to me.
On the to do list today then:
  • Ring mum and discuss exam options
  • Polish off dissertation
  • Think up poster title
I will stress out too much if I make the list any longer than 3. It has always been a good strategy for me to just bullet point 3 tasks to do for the day and cross them off when they are done. Being productive is such a rare thing when your mood is constantly low, so to feel a sense of achievement does wonders :)

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