Sunday 13 April 2014

Family outing in Hampshire

Mood: Comfortable

Today has been a pretty nice day. Last night we knew the weather would be quite nice today so my mum and sister were thinking of places we could go for a day out to enjoy the sunshine. I instinctively wanted to stay inside, I am perfectly happy without going out - a true indoorsy girl. My only thought of a nice place was the new forest in Hampshire, a little drive for us but a nice place: I could attempt some revision with some dog/people watching occasionally.

Thankfully the family knew that I would only want to come if we went there and it was nice. We made some picnic food for lunch and took foldup chairs. What amazed me was the fact that dad came with us - he liked nature but he never comes with us on days out, none of us could believe it! This made me so happy. Dad can get on our nerves truth be told, but for some reason I feel more comfortable with the family unit when dad is around.

I got a bit of revision done, though I can't say I was concentrating. If you've read a few of my blog posts you'll know that I would be staring at the dogs 95% of the time!

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