Wednesday 16 April 2014

African Children's Choir

If you are into African music and culture, whatever you are doing (apart from reading this): stop and google 'African Children's Choir'! They are one amazing act!

It is actually run by a charity and the choir is made of young children from various African countries who are orphans or going through third world hardships with no education etc. They tour and basically raise money to fund centres and schools in Africa to give the choir members a golden ticket to be what they want to be. They are so talented!!

My mum, sister and I went to see them tonight and it was a fiver per ticket. THAT IS NOTHIIING. I have to be honest, I cried frequently! They were so inspiring. For me, what I was moved by was how much power they had and charisma and determination - they each in turn introduced themselves on stage and said what they wanted to be when they grew up! - and they were smiling through all their dances. African dance and music really hits home for me because it is so raw and energetic and uplifting, despite all the problems that Africa has to deal with.

These children are an inspiration to me and I feel motivated to see the positives whenever I can.

What is your favourite place/country in the world and why?

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