Monday 21 April 2014

The sun has got his hat on!

Mood: Excitable

Ugh what a mood boost :D I was a grumpy kitty again this morning but things perked up once I had a yummy lunch. Usually when I am upset I starve myself, but thankfully le boyfriend came to the rescue with a cup of tea, pineapple juice and a scone with jam and cream :)

*Jeremy Kyle show guests bellowing in background*

So things are very peaceful today.

I decided to wear a brand new, spring floral dress today because I was in the rare mood of wanting to make an effort. When I am round here, I usually want to look my best at all times, but I lost that drive a while back. Thankfully, my skin has been okay enough for me to go without makeup - even though I feel hideous.

Earlier, I was playing with the dogs in the back garden and I couldn't be happier! A U-turn from earlier; this morning I was going through a serious dip. I've been cold off my meds for over a week I think, so my bad moods have fallen to new lows - a particular danger at this point in the year, but with better communication with my family, I know that they are there for me now. A big plus :)

What is your spring style?

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