Saturday 5 April 2014

Saturday Crafternoon

Mood: Excited!

I got so much sleep, almost 12 hours, ha! Well on and off after about half 8, but it was lush all curled up in my 13.5 tog duvet with winter pjs AND the massive fur throw. This made me happy from the start of the day, I woke up feeling ready for the day ahead, though I was still yawning my head off so it didn't look like it.

It's remarkable how a couple of days with my family saying nice things about my appearance can boost my self-confidence. I've not been feeling judged, but instead they give the odd compliment, which is wonderful and making me feel good about myself! Happy bunny :)

We had an afternoon of crafts. My mum, sister, myself and a few of my mum's friends were in our living room each with our own little projects. Chatting away with cups of tea and cake, I felt very much at home in their company. I will never be the sort of girl who wants to go on nights out and drink and stuff, a few years ago I would have felt bad about that, as if I was hurting someone, but now I am trying to stop apologising for who I am and be happy with what makes me happy! Sounds like it goes without saying, but it's true. I was looking for inspiration for baby designs to cross stitch and my sister can draw pretty well, so we chatted over what I was thinking of and she drew an adorable little elephant! It is so cute - holding onto the strong of a balloon that says 'baby boy' :D I have already almost finished the elephant, I reckon if I work on it tomorrow that will be done, hoorah!

My mood did start to dip when the topic of what I will do after my course came up, particularly in conjunction with the guide dog puppy training idea I had in mind. To be honest, I gave up on the idea mainly because I was sick of people saying I would have to really analyse my finances blablabla which I am aware of. It can be irritating when people assume you haven't thought things through. I have done a fair amount of research and yeah I would need to see how far my money could stretch. The whole subject for some reason gets me irritable and angry. Maybe if mum is willing to sit down with me one afternoon and we can look at how much rent she would charge me for etc, then something might come from that but I have no hope that it will ever manifest :/ it might just have to wait til I live somewhere else and I have more saved up to last me through.

Thankfully, this leads me onto the best part of the day in my opinion (and the insane lie-in was hard to beat). So, when we were discussing possible ways for income while puppy training, my mum's friend suggested income online, like through sales of some sort. That got me thinking. My sister and I quickly thought of the possibility of me starting up an Etsy store and making some small cross-stitch designs, maybe some customizable ones with a shabby chic feel! What an exciting ideaaaaa :D of course, I would have to do my research around material costs and see what is already out there, but that instantly feels doable - I just want to jump on the bandwagon and start doing it now!!

How creative are you?

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