Thursday 17 April 2014

Happy morning mood

Mood: Happy

I will make a separate post about how my sleep is lately - it isn't good :/

On the up side, my throat is still a pain but better, hoorah! It is a lovely day today as well, blue skies yayy! It is supposed to be a bit warm and we are going out  - more charity shop visits today - so I am in a skirt with NO TIGHTS. Incredible! I don't want to wear too many layers in case I'll be trying things on, I'm thinking ahead see. For the first time in 3 weeks I am wearing makeup. Makeup is one of my passions so not even wanting to wear any or play with my products isn't usually a good sign. Yet saying that, I want to let my skin breathe over the holidays and I am only at home anyway - don't go out anywhere. Uhh sniffly nose..

Seeing my guy tomorroooooow yay! Can't wait to see him and curl up on the sofa together. My happy place is wherever I am with him :)

How is the weather where you are?

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