Friday 25 April 2014

To medicate or not

29 days to go.
Mood: Good
So, back on the meds and feeling on the right track again. They aren't addictive, but they are a big help while I am in a tough place. Once my degree is over and done with, I will start to wind off them gradually.
My family don't really agree with medications, they prefer to use natural therapies and things which I totally understand, but with something like this a little chemical push is appropriate. Ultimately it's up to me, for most things I don't take stuff, I don't run to the medicine cabinet with every headache and I didn't take the decision lightly of course, it was just the right thing for me. My GP has always been really nice and genuine and always gives advice but reiterates that things are up to me, so she has never pushed me into anything :)

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