Wednesday 23 April 2014

Let the countdown begin!

31 days to go
Mood: Content

I slept pretty well back here again, it was nice and quiet and I had a lie in too :) so that was relaxing. While I look around my room, it seems fairly tidy which is always a comfort for me, but there is always something I can organise to improve it.

Tidier environment = clearer mind
After speaking to family and crying on my boyfriend's mums shoulder before travelling down, I feel enough support so that I can just give the exams a go and I will still be loved afterwards. That might sound melodramatic I realise, but that really is how stressed I get about exams and it gets worse every year because I want my family to be proud, naturally. Sadly it just gets very 'life or death' in my mind and I forget that life goes on after sitting a paper, even after so many years of exams!
Ughhhhh and breathe Jess. I've made myself a lemon and ginger tea - I cut out all caffeine at uni - so this'll keep my throat from feeling too dry. I feel practically back to normal physically which is great, still the occasional cough but it is very weak so thankfully I don't think a chest infection is round the corner, yay! That reminds me, I was bad - I was supposed to make an appointment to see my GP for this week before the holidays and I never made one :/ oops. I'd better do that soon. Even though I had gotten used to ringing the surgery to make appointments I haven't done that in a while and I am nervous of it again. Maybe I will walk to the surgery tomorrow - it is only a 10 minute walk from my place, so convenient :)

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