Wednesday 2 April 2014

Revision begins / Parent pride

Mood: So-so

Yes, a mixed bag today, not too bad. Medication has been doing its job well, didn't get as much sleep as I'd like so I was fairly unmotivated to do much throughout the day. Saying that, I am happy to say that I really revised this morning, I wrote 3 pages of notes on sustainable agriculture, nitrate pollution and farming monocultures. Brainaaaache. Just reading around the subject gets me into a panic, I feel so darn incapable of remembering any of this. I may as well doodle my way through the exam paper, drawing trees and gardening equipment.

My mum and dad actually made me feel better about it though. After dinner, we were all sat in the living room. My sister stayed on her phone while my parents chatted to me about not worrying about after the degree yet and job searching, they said they were proud of how far I have got because I mentioned how I strongly believe I won't pass this final year and get a BSc. I already have a FdSc, so I technically have a degree, it wouldn't be all bad. A Bachelor's just feels beyond my capabilities - I genuinely don't think I am simply being unconfident.

Do you have any good revision tips/strategies?

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