Saturday 12 April 2014

Oh here we go...

*long sigh*

And so it begins. Today was the first moment with the 'old' family. I know they seem like small things that shouldn't be thought twice about but after a life-long supply, it gets irritating. Just telling me to put some blush on. No, I can't put some blush on actually, I am going to deliberately ignore your 'tips'! If I look lifeless, fine, at least it is my decision. Why can't I look how I want? I am 21, I am very self-conscious physically so just- just don't point these out for me.

When my sister and I went charity shopping the other day, I bought a top that had a slight cowl neckline, so it dips and I am wearing it today. My sister was saying you sure you don't want to wear a top underneath? Look! 1) It isn't see through, 2) I'm not exactly blessed around the chest region and 3) It may not be how you'd wear it, but my style is vastly different to yours and I flippin' well like it!

*grumble grumble*

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