Tuesday 8 April 2014

Medication Trouble?

Ugh, feel sick.

For a couple of days I've been feeling constantly sick, whether hungry, full, whatever. Today has made me feel a little uneasy with my meds, because I had a sort of internal hiccup which brought up to my throat what felt like powder, like inside a pill. It tasted disgusting and I was scared to properly bring it up, so I rushed to the kitchen to get a drink to wash it back down. It happened again a little later and I did the same.

A month or so ago, I told the GP I was getting this feeling as if the pills weren't going down and they were stuck in my throat, she told me not to worry, that it is like heartburn and a side effect that many people get. I don't worry about it anymore, but I am looking forward to getting off medication in all honesty.

Feel so siiiiiick. Bleurgh.

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