Sunday 13 April 2014

Invisible moods

I had a dip when we got back out of the blue. Have no clue where it came from, but then do I ever..
There is a sofa that we don't sit on, it's mainly for guests that we have it, but it is my quiet place where I go in my invisible moods. Those times when I want to blend in with the background, completely silent and still, as if that will stop problems reaching me. It has been a... I guess a coping mechanism of mine for years, mostly for emotional comfort.

A very difficult mood to describe, because I want to be as invisible as possible.. while wanting to be near family so they are aware of my mood. Over the years I have learnt that they have no clue that I have struggled over the years because when my moods were low I would be by myself then be back with family when everything's fine. So if I didn't let them see the bad moments, how are they to know there were any?! It give my family a chance to see my dips for themselves and help me climb out of the dip and get me on my feet smiling again. This has been going well.

Don't hide away the bad stuff - let close ones see so they can truly support you.

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