Wednesday 23 April 2014

In good spirits!

Hoorah for my good mood tonight :D

My boyfriend had left his laptop charger at home and my old laptop was the same type which I happened to have here at uni, so he came over to use the charger :) I haven't been very active today - is it bad that I had a shower then got back into pyjamas? - but *drum roll please* I got some revision done!! YES! The rest of the time I just lolled about, feeling bored and watching funny animal compilations.

Admittedly some of my good mood goes towards him getting us domino's for dinner... I know, don't start telling me it's unhealthy :/ the fact is, I otherwise eat pretty healthily here. I have cut out so much: caffeine, sugar (apart from natural sugars in food), fizzy drinks or juice, sweets, chocolate, anything else junky that isn't coming to mind, chips, bread (will have it on rare occasion), meat...

I am sure that all students everywhere will eat more junk at this time of year than any other! You just can't be bothered to put something together, having nothing but revision on your mind messes up your diet usually. I will get on the berries to kick start my memory.... at some point.

Oooh mum rang me! :D
It was so nice for mum to ring, she was asking after me since I called home last night in tears. So I was glad to say I was feeling better today. Tomorrow afternoon I am seeing my learning support tutor, which I am looking forward to because I always leave our meet ups feeling better about myself and my academic potential - I am banking on her turning my mentality around because she's never failed me before! I will tell you how it goes of course :)

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