Wednesday 2 April 2014

Home positives

Mood: Driven

Okay, so today I want to really focus on creating positive association to my family (.... besides my revision, ughh). First off, I am going to list what I can that is good about being home:
  • Getting away from streets smothered in loud, drunk students
  • Sleeping solidly through the night thanks to the lack of loud, drunk students
  • Catching up with my best friend
  • Spending time with family without le boyfriend (so my family don't start to resent him, though I could happily be with him every single day!)
  • Not worrying about how far I can stretch my money out today
  • No mice scurrying about in the walls
  • No loud, drunk students in the flat above making a constant racket (technically, no flat above at all)
  • TV!!
  • Nice food!
  • More space i.e. an actual living room, a dining table...
Every day at home is a new chance for me to show my family who I am and a new chance for them to try to get to know me better.

I have to turn my home environment into a positive space again, I am spending the next 3 weeks here and will be moving back in June! The last thing I need is to create more obstacles for myself to get through, so I will do what I can to make the family situation at least a bit easier.

What do you like about your family?

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