Thursday 10 April 2014

Best friend meet-up / Sister chat

Mood: A bit on edge

So it is obvious how I was feeling in my last post. In the middle of the night. I wouldn't have been able to get any sleep if I hadn't posted about it and got all my thoughts out, so I felt much better afterwards :)

Anyhow, on to a good day! I am feeling okay this morning, I have a to do list next to me for the morning so I do everything I need to, keeping me on track - aaah the calming quality of lists. I am seeing my oldest and best friend today and I have missed her a lot, so I am so excited to see her! We have been best friends since year 7 so we've known each otherrrrr *thinks it over*..... a long time. 10 or so years? Love her to pieces, she has a little girl so I'm looking forward to seeing what words she can say now! Reaching her second birthday I think this October :)

I am feeling on edge though because at some point, I will have to give revision another go and yesterday... did not go well. Basically, I was trying to listen to lecture audio files and after a while I started crying. I simply couldn't understand what my lecturer was talking about! The subject is new to me this year and there is a 70% weight to the exams. No chance. Nope.

So I started crying and thought I should go downstairs to have some lunch. My sister was by the kitchen and I cried so hard! She kept talking to me about it which helped immensely. I was saying things like 'I'm the runt of the litter', 'I don't want the family to be disappointed if I fail', 'I want mum to be proud' and all this. I felt so much better afterwards, because my sister insisted that they are proud of where I have got to and will remain proud no matter what, qualifications aren't everything, you can do well and be happy anyway, you tried etc. After lunch, we went out charity shopping and each got a couple of things which was great! My wardrobe is miniscule. My boyfriend's wardrobe is four times the size of mine!

What do you think of charity shops?

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