Monday 14 April 2014

Guide Dog Call

Mood: Okay

I finally plucked up the courage to ring Guide Dogs this afternoon. It took a bit of building up to - I've been putting off for a few days - and spoke to a nice lady. Sadly it was a short phone call though, because Guide Dogs don't cover my area in their puppy walking scheme :( For a while I felt okay, just a bit gutted, but shortly after telling my mum and sister I was in tears on the sofa. Just couldn't keep it in, I was looking forward to it so much, I worked out my finances and prices of puppy things, I would daydream about what toys I could make for them. So surprising that they don't work in my area! Oh well. The lady suggested other assistance dog charities that I will look into. Really heartbroken though :'( It was comforting that my family were sad for me that it couldn't happen, I am starting to feel really supported by them in what I would like to do. An amazing feeling despite the news.

After crying on my sister's shoulder and her talking to me about it for a while, I felt much better. She said that this way might pave the way for something even better and things happen for a reason, maybe it is a lesson. Looking at it that way is nice and I am still hopeful of owning my own dog one day. It was the closest I ever got to having a pet which I have wanted all my life, so it was a big disappointment, but one day :)

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