Tuesday 1 April 2014

Dad's smoking / First night back home

Mood: On edge

Got home today. I have been so emotional, tomorrow can only be better.
It was a gorgeous sunny day and when dad arrived we showed him around, he met the dogs, had some lunch, it was great :) He even suggested taking a picture of my boyfriend, myself and the dogs in front of the house which was really nice in the warm weather.

The drive, however *sigh* my dad and I talked the entire drive home and I was so emotional. I went from really happy to sad to crying really hard to happy again. Full circle. It was going so well and he didn't upset me, but our topics tend to merge together and we found ourselves talking about his smoking habit.

My dad has smoked all my life and it always upset me - I was little and didn't need to know much to realise smoking is bad for you. I used to hide his cigarettes, thinking that that was all it would take for him to not smoke. He yelled at me a few times when he really wanted one - I grew up gaining understanding about the habit, but nothing ever changed my opinion, if anything it made me more against it. Probably what made me so immune to peer pressure which....in a roundabout way, is a good thing, but that's besides the point!

Things looked up though, mum called to find out how far we were from home and it got me to stop crying. We then moved back on to a nice topic again :) complete U-turn! Uhhh how tiring...

After getting home, things went okay. Dinner was yum, chatting went more smoothly than I expected and we actually had a laugh. Afterwards, I got to have a bath. I loooooooooove a relaxing, hot bath! Especially with some lush products :D then I came up to my room to unpack and arrange things around my room which also relaxes me. Now that it is past 10pm I will get ready for bed. Let's see what tomorrow brings.

What do you do on a sunny day?

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