Friday 11 April 2014

My brain is melting / Birthday excitement

Mood: So utterly bored

I'm sure every student at this point in the year hates life. Just so glad this is the last time I'm going through this! I suppose better I know some small bits well than attempt all topics and not remember anything :/ this is the strategy I have come to using. If my revision is more concentrated, at least I will feel confident in a part of it right :)

All I want to do is research into starting an etsy business or listening to Disney tunes while I cross stitch with a cup of tea at hand! 6 weeks today til my degree is over, yaaaayy! My birthday is gunna be fab this year! It looks like I will be home for it and I don't mind that :) Maybe I'll go out for a meal with the parents or mum will make me a birthday pavlova or something :D I prefer pavlova to cake by miles.....unless it's lemon flavoured AAAHH! Lemon meringue pie, lemon tart, lemon cheesecake: I'm there.

Do you have anything to look forward to?

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