Monday 28 April 2014

Mixed bag

27 days to go.
Mood: Mixed bag of emotions

Feel weak. AGAIN. This isn't too pleasant, I'm propped up in bed - even though I'm fully dressed - with my laptop, phone and caramel nibbles that I can't stop stuffing my face with. Probably isn't helping. The heartburn came back pretty quickly, which I suppose is good in a roundabout way, because I wasn't drinking anywhere near as much as I used to - like a couple of litres a day - so I'm now gulping that much down again. At least my body is fairly healthy!

I sorted out a couple of things today so not a day completely wasted :P I went into uni to sort out my exams and collect some coursework that I passed by the skin of my teeth. Ughh close, but I am relieved! My head keeps lolling about like its too heavy...

After that, my best mate and I went to Hobby Craft, we've never been to the Plymouth one before now, it was a good opportunity for me to get out the house even for a little bit and I wasn't anxious about it, I didn't try to get out of it.....oh, well the thought might've passed my mind this morning, but I went :) it felt okay, I was happy for a bit and we didn't stay out long so I was glad about that, any longer and my mood might have started to spiral slowly.

As I got back and settled into my room, my boredom turned into frustration. To be fair, yesterday I managed to write almost 200 words towards my dissertation, yayy! So I only need to repeat that performance and be happy with what I've got. On Wednesday, the plan is whether I am happy with it or not, my enhanced enabler and I will be in the uni library to print it out, get it bound etc. Uhh it's got to be on CD as well :/ hmm I might have to do that tomorrow night then. That won't take much effort.

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