Monday 1 September 2014

Exam Low-down

So, the exams themselves went exactly as I expected them to. 95% of my revision was for my first exam, so naturally the second was more of a 'let's wing it the best we can' situation.

The invigilators were really nice, it never occurred to me that it would be a more casual atmosphere since I had an individual room - which I would've had in May anyway - so I felt much more comfortable. I was really early each morning - they were both 9am to 1pm - so I had a chat with each invigilator before starting. In normal exam circumstances, I don't know about other students, but I always feel awkward around the invigilator, whether I know them or not. I don't know, maybe it's the silence?

It wasn't fun getting up early and especially since Tom and I were staying in a hotel for 2 nights - his parents are amazing and very generously paid for us - he got to lie in obviously and it's not that I wanted to stay in bed too, it was more that I really didn't want to wake him while I was getting ready! Besides the exams, it was actually a nice couple of days, eating out and relaxing just the two of us.

I really hope we'll have our own place some day

Back to the exams: I now have to wait 11 days to be emailed my exam results. Everyone has asked me how I think it went and if I feel relieved now that it's over.

1) It went as I thought = I'm sure I haven't passed, but pretty confident that I'll get a higher exit award.
2) I am feeling more relaxed but it will be a while before the fact that I don't have any more to do sinks in!

When I tell people I'm sure I haven't passed - I guess they're just being polite - they always say 'You'll be fine', which is nice of them, but I mostly find it irritating because I now that for a start I didn't write enough, it wasn't in enough detail, there were next to no references....

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