Tuesday 16 September 2014

Strangers in my house!!

Feeling: Intruded upon

I don't like this. They have been here for only 5 hours and they are staying for a whole week.

A couple who my sister lived with while working in London a while back have come to stay with us for a week and I have only met them once. The husband is quite a character, not for me at all, let's be honest. A lovely couple, but there are just things making me feel pretty uncomfortable.

They both play big roles in their church = religious. I don't have a faith, they'll love me for that.

My main problem is what I always have to deal with when we have guests staying at least one night with us: I feel intruded upon because I want to be in the room but left to myself, so I am just as involved in the togetherness as I wish to be. If I want to join the conversation I can, but otherwise I want to be left alone. This can never be when you have guests, because it's fresh company and you talk talk talk and they ask lots of questions.

We had grace before eating at dinner...that was a first :/

Particularly in this situation where they know my sister pretty well and they have met my parents a few times so they've had the 'initial conversation' but I'm getting the odd question thrown my way which I'm nto comfortable answering.

He doesn't stop telling long jokes that I either can't follow or just don't get.

The husband is very confident in his own mind if that makes sense and sometimes says things that are meant to be witty. To me though, I just panic and don't know what to say.

He said earlier 'Do you want to know how intelligent I am?' What kind of question is that? I was flustered and very confused, so I panicked and looked at my sister, eventually admitting I didn't know what to say.... turns out it was to pave the way for another long joke. Of course.

It's going to be a very long week.

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